Module tidb_query_codegen::rpn_function[][src]

Implementation of the rpn_fn attribute macro.

The macro should be applied to a function:

fn foo(x: Option<&u32>) -> Result<Option<u8>> {

The expanded function implements an operation in the coprocessor.

Arguments to macro

If neither varg or raw_varg are supplied, then the generated arguments follow from the supplied function’s arguments. Each argument must have a type Option<&T> for some T.


The RPN operator takes a variable number of arguments. The arguments are passed as a &[Option<&T>]. E.g.,

pub fn foo(args: &[Option<&Int>]) -> Result<Option<Real>> {
    // Your RPN function logic


The RPN operator takes a variable number of arguments. The arguments are passed as a &[ScalarValueRef]. E.g.,

pub fn foo(args: &[ScalarValueRef<'_>]) -> Result<Option<Real>> {
    // Your RPN function logic

Use raw_varg where the function takes a variable number of arguments and the types are not the same, for example, RPN function case_when.


The maximum number of arguments. The macro will generate code to check this as part of validation. Only valid if varg or raw_varg is also used. E.g., #[rpn_fn(varg, max_args = 2)]


The minimum number of arguments. The macro will generate code to check this as part of validation. Only valid if varg or raw_varg is also used. E.g., #[rpn_fn(varg, min_args = 2)]


A function name for custom validation code to be run when an operation is validated. The validator function should have the signature &tipb::Expr -> Result<()>. E.g., #[rpn_fn(raw_varg, extra_validator = json_object_validator)]


The type of the metadata structure defined in tipb. If metadata_mapper is not specified, the protobuf metadata structure will be used as the metadata directly.


A function name to construct a new metadata or transform a protobuf metadata structure into a desired form. The function signatures varies according to the existence of metadata_mapper and metadata_type as follows.

Constructs a new metadata in type T.

Transforms a protobuf metadata type MetaDataType specified by metadata_type into a new type T.


An array of argument names which are passed from the caller to the expanded function. The argument names must be in scope in the generated eval or run methods. Currently, that includes the following arguments (the supplied function must accept these arguments with the corresponding types, in addition to any other arguments):

// This generates `with_context_fn_meta() -> RpnFnMeta`
#[rpn_fn(capture = [ctx])]
fn with_context(ctx: &mut EvalContext, param: Option<&Decimal>) -> Result<Option<Int>> {
    // Your RPN function logic

Generated code

Vararg functions

This includes varg and raw_varg.

The supplied function is preserved and a constructor function is generated with a _fn_meta suffix, e.g., #[rpn_fn] fn foo ... will preserve foo and generate foo_fn_meta. The constructor function returns an rpn_expr::RpnFnMeta value.

The constructor function will include code for validating the runtime arguments and running the function, pointers to these functions are stored in the result.

Non-vararg functions

Generate the following (examples assume a supplied function called foo_bar:

The supplied function is preserved.

The supported argument type is represented as a type-level list, for example, a a function which takes two unsigned ints has an argument representation something like Arg<UInt, Arg<UInt, Null>>. See documentation in components/tidb_query_expr/src/types/ for more details.

The _Fn trait can be customised by implementing it manually. For example, you are going to implement an RPN function called regex_match taking two arguments, the regex and the string to match. You want to build the regex only once if the first argument is a scalar. The code may look like:

fn regex_match_impl(regex: &Regex, text: Option<&Bytes>) -> Result<Option<i32>> {
    // match text

fn regex_match(regex: Option<&Bytes>, text: Option<&Bytes>) -> Result<Option<i32>> {
    let regex = build_regex(regex.cloned());
    regex_match_impl(&regex, text)

// Pay attention that the first argument is specialized to `ScalarArg`
impl<'a, Arg1> RegexMatch_Fn for Arg<ScalarArg<'a, Bytes>, Arg<Arg1, Null>>
where Arg1: RpnFnArg<Type = &'a Option<Bytes>> {
    fn eval(
        ctx: &mut EvalContext,
        output_rows: usize,
        args: &[RpnStackNode<'_>],
        extra: &mut RpnFnCallExtra<'_>,
        metadata: &(dyn Any + Send),
    ) -> Result<VectorValue> {
        let (regex, arg) = self.extract(0);
        let regex = build_regex(regex);
        let mut result = NotChunkedVec::with_capacity(output_rows);
        for row_index in 0..output_rows {
            let (text, _) = arg.extract(row_index);
            result.push(regex_match_impl(&regex, text)?);

If the RPN function accepts variable number of arguments and all arguments have the same eval type, like RPN function coalesce, you can use #[rpn_fn(varg)] like:

pub fn foo(args: &[Option<&Int>]) -> Result<Option<Real>> {
    // Your RPN function logic





Generates an RPN fn which is neither varg or raw_varg.


Generates a raw_varg RPN fn.


Parses an attribute like #[rpn_fn(varg, capture = [ctx, output_rows]).


Parses an evaluable type like Option<T>.


Parses an evaluable type like Option<&T>, Option<JsonRef>, Option<EnumRef>, Option<SetRef> or Option<BytesRef>.


Parses a function signature parameter like val: &Option<T> or val: &T. If input has &Option, set has_option to true; otherwise, set has_option to false. Caller can use has_option to check if input is valid.


Parses a function signature return type like Result<SomeGuard>.


Parses a function signature return type like Result<Option<T>>.


Helper utility to generate RPN function validator function.


Generates a varg RPN fn.


Parses a function signature parameter like val: &[&Option<T>] or val: &[&T]. If input has &Option, set has_option to true; otherwise, set has_option to false. Caller can use has_option to check if input is valid.



Parses an evaluable type like &T, JsonRef or BytesRef. &T corresponds to Ref. JsonRef corresponds to Type.



Get corresponding VARGS buffer Json or JsonRef will be stored in VARG_PARAM_BUF_JSON_REF Bytes or BytesRef will be stored in VARG_PARAM_BUF_BYTES_REF


Transform copr framework type into vectorized function type For example, Json in copr framework will be transformed into JsonRef before passing to vectorized functions.


Checks if parameter type is Bytes


Checks if parameter type is Enum


Checks if parameter type is Json


Checks if parameter type is Set


Entry point for the rpn_fn attribute.