public static final class ImportSSTGrpc.ImportSSTBlockingStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub<ImportSSTGrpc.ImportSSTBlockingStub>
ImportSST provides a service to import a generated SST file to a region in TiKV. In order to import an SST file to a region, the user should: 1. Retrieve the meta of the region according to the SST file's range. 2. Upload the SST file to the servers where the region's peers locate in. 3. Issue an ingest request to the region's leader with the SST file's metadata. It's the user's responsibility to make sure that the SST file is uploaded to the servers where the region's peers locate in, before issue the ingest request to the region's leader. However, the region can be scheduled (so the location of the region's peers will be changed) or split/merged (so the range of the region will be changed), after the SST file is uploaded, but before the SST file is ingested. So, the region's epoch is provided in the SST file's metadata, to guarantee that the region's epoch must be the same between the SST file is uploaded and ingested later.
protected ImportSSTGrpc.ImportSSTBlockingStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
in class io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<ImportSSTGrpc.ImportSSTBlockingStub>
public ImportSstpb.SwitchModeResponse switchMode(ImportSstpb.SwitchModeRequest request)
Switch to normal/import mode.
public ImportSstpb.IngestResponse ingest(ImportSstpb.IngestRequest request)
Ingest an uploaded SST file to a region.
public ImportSstpb.CompactResponse compact(ImportSstpb.CompactRequest request)
Compact the specific range for better performance.
public ImportSstpb.SetDownloadSpeedLimitResponse setDownloadSpeedLimit(ImportSstpb.SetDownloadSpeedLimitRequest request)
public ImportSstpb.DownloadResponse download(ImportSstpb.DownloadRequest request)
Download an SST file from an external storage, and performs key-rewrite after downloading.
public ImportSstpb.IngestResponse multiIngest(ImportSstpb.MultiIngestRequest request)
Ingest Multiple files in one request
public Iterator<ImportSstpb.DuplicateDetectResponse> duplicateDetect(ImportSstpb.DuplicateDetectRequest request)
Collect duplicate data from TiKV.
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