View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright 2021 TiKV Project Authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   *
16   */
18  package org.tikv.common.meta;
20  import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
22  import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
23  import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
24  import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
25  import;
26  import com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.TableInfo;
27  import;
28  import java.util.HashMap;
29  import java.util.List;
30  import java.util.Map;
31  import;
32  import org.tikv.common.exception.TiClientInternalException;
33  import org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo.InternalTypeHolder;
34  import org.tikv.common.types.DataType;
35  import org.tikv.common.types.DataTypeFactory;
37  @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
38  public class TiTableInfo implements Serializable {
39    private final long id;
40    private final String name;
41    private final String charset;
42    private final String collate;
43    private final List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo> columns;
44    private final Map<String, org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo> columnsMap;
45    private final List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiIndexInfo> indices;
46    private final boolean pkIsHandle;
47    private final String comment;
48    private final long autoIncId;
49    private final long maxColumnId;
50    private final long maxIndexId;
51    private final long oldSchemaId;
52    private final long rowSize; // estimated row size
53    private final org.tikv.common.meta.TiPartitionInfo partitionInfo;
54    private final org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo primaryKeyColumn;
55    private final TiViewInfo viewInfo;
56    private final TiFlashReplicaInfo tiflashReplicaInfo;
57    private final long version;
58    private final long updateTimestamp;
59    private final long maxShardRowIDBits;
60    private final org.tikv.common.meta.TiSequenceInfo sequenceInfo;
62    @JsonCreator
63    @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
64    public TiTableInfo(
65        @JsonProperty("id") long id,
66        @JsonProperty("name") org.tikv.common.meta.CIStr name,
67        @JsonProperty("charset") String charset,
68        @JsonProperty("collate") String collate,
69        @JsonProperty("pk_is_handle") boolean pkIsHandle,
70        @JsonProperty("cols") List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo> columns,
71        @JsonProperty("index_info") List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiIndexInfo> indices,
72        @JsonProperty("comment") String comment,
73        @JsonProperty("auto_inc_id") long autoIncId,
74        @JsonProperty("max_col_id") long maxColumnId,
75        @JsonProperty("max_idx_id") long maxIndexId,
76        @JsonProperty("old_schema_id") long oldSchemaId,
77        @JsonProperty("partition") org.tikv.common.meta.TiPartitionInfo partitionInfo,
78        @JsonProperty("view") TiViewInfo viewInfo,
79        @JsonProperty("tiflash_replica") TiFlashReplicaInfo tiFlashReplicaInfo,
80        @JsonProperty("version") long version,
81        @JsonProperty("update_timestamp") long updateTimestamp,
82        @JsonProperty("max_shard_row_id_bits") long maxShardRowIDBits,
83        @JsonProperty("sequence") org.tikv.common.meta.TiSequenceInfo sequenceInfo) {
84 = id;
85 = name.getL();
86      this.charset = charset;
87      this.collate = collate;
88      if (sequenceInfo == null) {
89        this.columns = ImmutableList.copyOf(requireNonNull(columns, "columns is null"));
90        this.columnsMap = new HashMap<>();
91        for (org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col : this.columns) {
92          this.columnsMap.put(col.getName(), col);
93        }
94        this.rowSize =;
95      } else {
96        this.columns = null;
97        this.columnsMap = null;
98        // 9 is the rowSize for type bigint
99        this.rowSize = 9;
100     }
101     // TODO: Use more precise predication according to types
102     this.pkIsHandle = pkIsHandle;
103     this.indices = indices != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(indices) : ImmutableList.of();
104     if (this.columns != null) {
105       this.indices.forEach(x -> x.calculateIndexSize(columns));
106     }
107     this.comment = comment;
108     this.autoIncId = autoIncId;
109     this.maxColumnId = maxColumnId;
110     this.maxIndexId = maxIndexId;
111     this.oldSchemaId = oldSchemaId;
112     this.partitionInfo = partitionInfo;
113     this.viewInfo = viewInfo;
114     this.tiflashReplicaInfo = tiFlashReplicaInfo;
115     this.version = version;
116     this.updateTimestamp = updateTimestamp;
117     this.maxShardRowIDBits = maxShardRowIDBits;
118     this.sequenceInfo = sequenceInfo;
120     org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo primaryKey = null;
121     if (sequenceInfo == null) {
122       for (org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col : this.columns) {
123         if (col.isPrimaryKey()) {
124           primaryKey = col;
125           break;
126         }
127       }
128     }
129     primaryKeyColumn = primaryKey;
130   }
132   public boolean isView() {
133     return this.viewInfo != null;
134   }
136   public boolean isSequence() {
137     return this.sequenceInfo != null;
138   }
140   // auto increment column must be a primary key column
141   public boolean hasAutoIncrementColumn() {
142     if (primaryKeyColumn != null) {
143       return primaryKeyColumn.isAutoIncrement();
144     }
145     return false;
146   }
148   // auto increment column must be a primary key column
149   public org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo getAutoIncrementColInfo() {
150     if (hasAutoIncrementColumn()) {
151       return primaryKeyColumn;
152     }
153     return null;
154   }
156   public boolean isAutoIncColUnsigned() {
157     org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col = getAutoIncrementColInfo();
158     if (col == null) return false;
159     return col.getType().isUnsigned();
160   }
162   public long getMaxShardRowIDBits() {
163     return this.maxShardRowIDBits;
164   }
166   public long getId() {
167     return id;
168   }
170   public String getName() {
171     return name;
172   }
174   public String getCharset() {
175     return charset;
176   }
178   public String getCollate() {
179     return collate;
180   }
182   public List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo> getColumns() {
183     return columns;
184   }
186   public long getEstimatedRowSizeInByte() {
187     return rowSize;
188   }
190   public org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo getColumn(String name) {
191     return this.columnsMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
192   }
194   public org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo getColumn(int offset) {
195     if (offset < 0 || offset >= columns.size()) {
196       throw new TiClientInternalException(String.format("Column offset %d out of bound", offset));
197     }
198     return columns.get(offset);
199   }
201   public boolean isPkHandle() {
202     return pkIsHandle;
203   }
205   public List<org.tikv.common.meta.TiIndexInfo> getIndices() {
206     return indices;
207   }
209   public String getComment() {
210     return comment;
211   }
213   private long getAutoIncId() {
214     return autoIncId;
215   }
217   private long getMaxColumnId() {
218     return maxColumnId;
219   }
221   private long getMaxIndexId() {
222     return maxIndexId;
223   }
225   private long getOldSchemaId() {
226     return oldSchemaId;
227   }
229   public org.tikv.common.meta.TiPartitionInfo getPartitionInfo() {
230     return partitionInfo;
231   }
233   public TiFlashReplicaInfo getTiflashReplicaInfo() {
234     return tiflashReplicaInfo;
235   }
237   TableInfo toProto() {
238     return TableInfo.newBuilder()
239         .setTableId(getId())
240         .addAllColumns(
241             getColumns().stream().map(col -> col.toProto(this)).collect(Collectors.toList()))
242         .build();
243   }
245   public boolean hasPrimaryKey() {
246     return primaryKeyColumn != null;
247   }
249   // Only Integer Column will be a PK column
250   // and there exists only one PK column
251   public org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo getPKIsHandleColumn() {
252     if (isPkHandle()) {
253       for (org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col : getColumns()) {
254         if (col.isPrimaryKey()) {
255           return col;
256         }
257       }
258     }
259     return null;
260   }
262   private org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo copyColumn(org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col) {
263     DataType type = col.getType();
264     InternalTypeHolder typeHolder = type.toTypeHolder();
265     typeHolder.setFlag(type.getFlag() & (~DataType.PriKeyFlag));
266     DataType newType = DataTypeFactory.of(typeHolder);
267     return new org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo(
268             col.getId(),
269             col.getName(),
270             col.getOffset(),
271             newType,
272             col.getSchemaState(),
273             col.getOriginDefaultValue(),
274             col.getDefaultValue(),
275             col.getDefaultValueBit(),
276             col.getComment(),
277             col.getVersion(),
278             col.getGeneratedExprString())
279         .copyWithoutPrimaryKey();
280   }
282   public TiTableInfo copyTableWithRowId() {
283     if (!isPkHandle()) {
284       ImmutableList.Builder<org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo> newColumns = ImmutableList.builder();
285       for (org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col : getColumns()) {
286         newColumns.add(copyColumn(col));
287       }
288       newColumns.add(org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo.getRowIdColumn(getColumns().size()));
289       return new TiTableInfo(
290           getId(),
291           org.tikv.common.meta.CIStr.newCIStr(getName()),
292           getCharset(),
293           getCollate(),
294           true,
295 ,
296           getIndices(),
297           getComment(),
298           getAutoIncId(),
299           getMaxColumnId(),
300           getMaxIndexId(),
301           getOldSchemaId(),
302           partitionInfo,
303           null,
304           getTiflashReplicaInfo(),
305           version,
306           updateTimestamp,
307           maxShardRowIDBits,
308           null);
309     } else {
310       return this;
311     }
312   }
314   @Override
315   public String toString() {
316     return toProto().toString();
317   }
319   public boolean isPartitionEnabled() {
320     if (partitionInfo == null) return false;
321     return partitionInfo.isEnable();
322   }
324   public boolean hasGeneratedColumn() {
325     for (org.tikv.common.meta.TiColumnInfo col : getColumns()) {
326       if (col.isGeneratedColumn()) {
327         return true;
328       }
329     }
330     return false;
331   }
333   public long getVersion() {
334     return version;
335   }
337   public long getUpdateTimestamp() {
338     return updateTimestamp;
339   }
340 }