Module tikv::storage::txn::commands [−][src]
Commands used in the transaction system
acquire_pessimistic_lock | |
atomic_store | |
check_secondary_locks | |
check_txn_status | |
cleanup | |
commit | |
compare_and_swap | |
macros | |
mvcc_by_key | |
mvcc_by_start_ts | |
pause | |
pessimistic_rollback | |
prewrite | Functionality for handling optimistic and pessimistic prewrites. These are separate commands (although maybe they shouldn’t be since there is only one protobuf), but handling of the commands is similar. We therefore have a single type (Prewriter) to handle both kinds of prewrite. |
resolve_lock | |
resolve_lock_lite | |
resolve_lock_readphase | |
rollback | |
txn_heart_beat |
AcquirePessimisticLock | Acquire a Pessimistic lock on the keys. |
CheckSecondaryLocks | Check secondary locks of an async commit transaction. |
CheckTxnStatus | Check the status of a transaction. This is usually invoked by a transaction that meets
another transaction’s lock. If the primary lock is expired, it will rollback the primary
lock. If the primary lock exists but is not expired, it may update the transaction’s
Cleanup | Rollback mutations on a single key. |
Commit | Commit the transaction that started at |
MvccByKey | Retrieve MVCC information for the given key. |
MvccByStartTs | Retrieve MVCC info for the first committed key which |
Pause | Testing functionality: Latch the given keys for given duration. |
PessimisticRollback | Rollback pessimistic locks identified by |
Prewrite | The prewrite phase of a transaction. The first phase of 2PC. |
PrewritePessimistic | The prewrite phase of a transaction using pessimistic locking. The first phase of 2PC. |
RawAtomicStore | Run Put or Delete for keys which may be changed by |
RawCompareAndSwap | RawCompareAndSwap checks whether the previous value of the key equals to the given value. If they are equal, write the new value. The bool indicates whether they are equal. The previous value is always returned regardless of whether the new value is set. |
ReleasedLocks | |
ResolveLock | Resolve locks according to |
ResolveLockLite | Resolve locks on |
ResolveLockReadPhase | Scan locks for resolving according to |
Rollback | Rollback from the transaction that was started at |
TxnHeartBeat | Heart beat of a transaction. It enlarges the primary lock’s TTL. |
TypedCommand | A |
WriteContext | |
WriteResult | |
WriteResultLockInfo |
Command | Store Transaction scheduler commands. |
ResponsePolicy | Represents for a scheduler command, when should the response sent to the client. For most cases, the response should be sent after the result being successfully applied to the storage (if needed). But in some special cases, some optimizations allows the response to be returned at an earlier phase. |
CommandExt | |
ReadCommand | Commands that do not need to modify the database during execution will implement this trait. |
WriteCommand | Commands that need to modify the database during execution will implement this trait. |
find_mvcc_infos_by_key | |
one_pc_commit_ts | Compute the commit ts of a 1pc transaction. |
Type Definitions
LockWritesVals |