Parallel Commit Known Issues and Solutions

We have many difficulties to overcome in order to implement Parallel Commit. This document includes ideas to solve them.

One-phase Writing Locking Problem

In a Parallel-Commit transaction, once all prewrites is succeeded, we say the transaction is successfully committed. The commit_ts of a transaction T should be greater than all reads on T's keys that happens before T's prewrite operations, and less than transactions that starts after T committing.

We cannot asynchronously allocate a TSO as transaction T's commit_ts after telling the client that the transaction has been finished, because it's possible that the client runs faster and got a earlier TSO to start its next transaction T2, so that in T2's sight the previous transaction T didn't commit.

Neither can we tell the client T has been committed just after allocating TSO as T's commit_ts. Because if server crashes it will never know what TS it has allocated, and it can not find the proper commit_ts anymore.

Actually, we believe we should persist some information that helps us in finding the commit_ts, and it should have been persisted when the transaction has been "successfully committed". Our current idea is persist max_read_ts into the lock that we prewrites, and the final commit_ts will be max_over_all_keys{max_read_ts, start_ts, _for_update_ts}+1. However it's hard: we need to get the current value of max_read_ts before writing down the locks, however new reads may happens between getting max_read_ts and successfully writing down the lock.

We may have no perfect solution to this problem, but we have came up with some ideas that may be possible to solve it. We have a basic idea that we need to block reads with larger ts between getting max_read_ts and finishing writing it down. Basically, we maintain a max_read_ts and a memory-lock-like structure for each region (more clearly, each leader region on the current TiKV). When a region's leader or epoch changed, the new leader should re-initialize the max_read_ts and the memory-lock-like structure. The max_read_ts should be initialized from a newest TSO and it's recorded max_read_ts is not valid until before getting the TSO.

We have some different ideas for the memory-lock-like structure. They can all be abstracted like:

fn main() {
trait MemLock: Send + Sync {
    // Returns max_read_ts which is fetched after acquiring lock.
    fn lock_for_write(&self, keys: &[Key], start_ts: TimeStamp, ...) -> Result<TimeStamp>;
    fn unlock_for_write(&self, keys: &[Key], start_ts: TimeStamp, ...);
    // Update max_read_ts and then check if the keys/ranges is locked
    fn check_lock_for_read(&self, keys: &[Key], start_ts: TimeStamp, ...) -> ...;
    fn check_lock_for_scan(&self, start_key: &Key, end_key: &Key, start_ts: TimeStamp, ...) -> ...;

Idea 1: Key-Based Memory Lock

When we got the max read ts as M and then prewriting key K with max read ts M, we want to prevent other transactions from reading K with a ts larger than M. The most straightforward way is to make a in-memory lock: A Parallel-Commit prewrite should lock the keys it want to write, before reading the max_read_ts, and release the lock after finishing prewrite. A read operation should check the memory lock after updating max_read_ts and should be blocked (or return a KeyIsLocked error) when it meets the memory lock. Read operations don't need to actually acquire locks. It can proceed reading if it finds that the keys it wants to read are not locked.

The memory lock should support range-based queries, because a reading operation may need to scan a range. So the memory lock should be implemented by an ordered map (like BTreeMap, Trie, SkipList).

Therefore, the major difficulty of memory lock solution is that how to keep the performance.

Idea 2: RocksDB-Based Lock (By @gengliqi)

This idea differs from Idea1, only in that we are using RocksDB instead of an in-memory data structure to store locks. We avoid most performance impact if we can put it directly to LOCK_CF without Raft replication, however, it might introduce too many corner cases and troubles to resolve, considering that there are leader changing and region scheduling in TiKV. Therefore we may add a new CF to store these kind of locks. The performance comparing to Idea1 is uncertain before we actually do a POC test.

Idea 3: Transaction List (By @Little-Wallace)

For prewrite operations that need to exclude readings, add add them to a vector V. The max_read_ts should be acquired after the prewrite operation locks the latch of scheduler and adding itself to V.

For point-get operations, access latch to see if the key is being prewritten with a smaller ts (prewrites of Parallel Commit transactions need to add its special information to the latch slot when it acquires the latch). If so, block or return KeyIsLocked err. For range scanning operations, check each items in V to see if their range overlaps. If so, block or return KeyIsLocked err.

Idea 4: Optimized Key-Based Memory Lock (By @Little-Wallace)

The memlock consists of a lock-free ordered map like Idea 1 (for scanning request to check locks in range) and the latch of transaction scheduler like Idea 3 (for point getting requests).

A prewrite of Parallel Commit transaction can get the max_read_ts first and then save the max_read_ts to the locks (both in the ordered map part and the latch) so that when a read operation checks locks, it can ignore the locks with max_read_ts greater than the current read_ts. However since this design is lock-free, it introduced another chance of breaking the isolation: a read may check lock between a prewrite getting max_read_ts and setting the memory lock. But this is quite easy to solve: let prewrite operation get another max_read_ts after locking the memlock. Thus the full procedure of prewrite looks like this:

  1. Atomically get the max_read_ts as T1.
  2. Lock the memlock and acquire latches, saving T1 to them.
  3. Atomically get the max_read_ts again as T2.
  4. Continue performing prewrite and persist T2 to the locks written down to engine.

Idea 5: Push start_ts of readers

(nrc's understanding of CRDB solution).


Replica Read (By @gengliqi)

In the solutions to the locking problem, writing are performed on leaders, and it needs to know the max_read_ts. However if follower read is enabled, the leader need to know the max_read_ts among all replicas of the Region by some way, and reading on followers should be blocked when the leader has an ongoing conflicting prewrite. Here is one possible solution to this problem.

The main idea is to adjust the lock's max_read_ts in Raft layer. It might be hard to avoid Raftstore coupling with transaction logic though.

First, readings on followers should send the read ts via the ReadIndex message to the leader, and the leader records it. When a prewrite of a Parallel-Commit transaction is being proposed in Raft layer, it's max_read_ts field should be updated if it's smaller than the max_read_ts that was recorded in Raft layer. This makes it possible to write down the max_read_ts among all replicas.

However this doesn't apply to the case that a ReadIndex arrives between a prewrite's proposal and committing. We can't edit max_read_ts from the raft log since it has been proposed, and we cannot immediately allow the follower to read before the log being applied. So secondly, we need a additional mechanism to prevent the follower from reading without the lock.

In the current implementation (where Parallel Commit is not supported), ReadIndex returns the leader's commit index, and the follower can read only when its apply index >= leader's commit index.

One way to solve this problem, is to let the leader returns pc_index after this pc_index log is committed if pc_index is greater than the commit index. pc_index indicates the index of proposed prewrite of Parallel-Commit transactions. This is easy to implement, but increases the latency of follower read, since the follower needs to wait for applying more logs before it's permitted to read.

Another approach is to let the leader returns both commit_index and pc_index for ReadIndex, and the follower needs to construct a in-memory lock for received-but-not-yet-committed prewrites, and reads are permitted when the leader's commit_index is applied and, additionally, all logs before pc_index has been received. Then the read should be blocked if it tries to read keys that has been locked by the in-memory lock we just mentioned. Note that Raft learners also need to do this. If we choose this approach, TiFlash might be exclusive with async commit before we support this mechanism on it.

Another solution is ReadIndex carries read_ts and key range and treat it as normal read operations.

Non-Globally-Unique CommitTS

Currently in write CF, we use encode(user_key)+commit_ts as the key to write in RocksDB. When a key is rolled back, it doesn't has a commit_ts, so its commit_ts will be simply set to start_ts. This is ok as long as the commit_ts is a globally-unique timestamp like start_ts of transactions. However, things are different when we start to calculate commit_ts rather than using a TSO as the commit_ts. The keys of rollbacks and commits in write CF may collide, but usually we need to keep both.

We have multiple ways to solve the problem (See Currently our preferred solution is the Solution 3 in that document: adding Rollback flag to Write records. When a Commit record and a Rollback record collides, we write the Commit record with a has_rollback flag to mark there is an overwritten rollback.

The drawback is that in this way CDC will be affected. We need to distinguish the two cases:

  • Rollback flag is appended to a existed commit record
  • Commit Record replaced a Rollback record and sets Rollback flag of itself.

So that CDC module can know whether it need to perform a Commit action or a Rollback action.

Affects to CDC

Implementing Parallel Commit will introduce some affects to CDC.

CommitTS issue

As we mentioned in the last section, implementing Rollback Flag to enable non-globally-unique CommitTS will affect CDC. We've discussed in the last section so we don't repeat here.

Restrictions between max_read_ts and resolved_ts

When calculating max_read_ts, the resolved_ts of CDC must be also considered. Also, ongoing prewrites should block resolved_ts from advancing. The design to achieve this may be not easy, since CDC is a side module in TiKV that references main module of TiKV, rather than TiKV referencing CDC module.

TODO: This issue is still to be discussed.

Affects to tidb-binlog

Since we must support calculating CommitTS to implement Parallel Commit, which seems to be totally not capable for tidb-binlog to support. If one want to use tidb-binlog, the only way is to disable Parallel Commit (and other optimizations that needs CommitTS calculation we do in the future), otherwise consider use CDC instead of tidb-binlog.

Affects to backup & restore

If the maximum commit ts in the existing backup is T. An incremental backup dumps data with commit ts in (T, +inf).

It is possible that a transaction commits with T after the previous backup. But the next incremental backup skips it.

Note: If we are using max_read_ts + 1 to commit instead of max_ts + 1, it's even possible that the commit ts is small than T, which is more troublesome.

Schema Version Checking

The existing 2pc process checks the schema version before issue the final commit command, if we do async commit, we don't have a chance to check the schema version. If it has changed, we may break the index/row consistency.

TODO: This issue is still to be discussed.

Historic issues taken from

Commit timestamp

See for discussion.

In the happy path, there is no problem. However, if the finalise message is lost then when we resolve the lock and the transaction needs committing, then we need to provide a commit timestamp. Unfortunately it seems there is no good answer for what ts to use.

Consider the following example: transaction 1 with start_ts = 1, prewrite @ ts=2, finalise @ ts=4. Transaction 2 makes a non-locking read at ts = 3. If all goes well, this is fine: the transaction is committed by receiving the finalise message with commit_ts = 4. If the read arrives before commit, it finds the key locked and blocks. After the commit it will read the earlier value since its ts is < the commit ts.

However, if the finalise message is lost, then we must initiate a 'resolve lock' once the lock times out. There are some options; bad ideas:

  • Use the prewrite ts: this is unsound because the ts is less than the read's ts and so the read will see different values for the key depending on whether it arrives before or after the commit happening, even though its ts is > than the commit ts. That violates the Read Committed property.
  • Transaction 2 returns an error to TiDB and TiDB gets a new ts from PD and uses that as the commit_ts for the resolve lock request. This has the disadvantage that non-locking reads can block and then fail, and require the reader to resolve locks. This timestamp is also later than the timestamp that transaction 1's client thinks it is, which can lead to RC violation.
  • Get a new ts from PD. This has the problem that TiDB may have reported the transaction as committed at an earlier times stamp to the user, which can lead to RC violation.

Possibly good ideas:

  • Record the 'max read ts' for each key. E.g., when the read arrives, we record 3 as the max_read_ts (as long as there is no hight read timestamp). We can then use max_read_ts + 1 as the commit ts. However, that means that timestamps are no longer unique. It's unclear how much of a problem that is. If it is implemented on disk, then it would increase latency of reads intolerably. If it is implemented in memory it could use a lot of memory and we'd need to handle recovery somehow (we could save memory by storing only a per-node or per-region max read ts).
  • Use a hybrid logical clock (HLC) for timestamps. In this way we can enforce causal consistency rather than linearisability. In effect, the ordering of timestamps becomes partial and if the finalise message is lost then we cannot compare transaction 1's timestamps with transaction 2's timestamps without further resolution. Since this would require changing timestamps everywhere, it would be a lot of work. Its also not clear exactly how this would be implemented and how this would affect transaction 2. Seems like at the least, non-locking reads would block.

In order to guarantee SI, commit_ts of T1 needs to satisfy:

  • It is larger than the start_ts of any other transaction which has read the old value of a key written by T1.
  • It is smaller than the start_ts of any other transaction which reads the new value of any key written by T1.

Note that a transaction executing in parallel with T1 which reads a key written by T1 can have start_ts before or after T1's commit_ts.

Consider all cases of Parallel Commit:

  • Normal execution process: After Prewrite is completed, TiKV will return a response to the client. If it is to take the commit_ts asynchronously afterwards, then the client could start a new transaction between the time of receiving the response and the time of TiKV getting a commit_ts. The new transaction would therefore read the old value of a key modified by the first transaction which violates RC. A solution is for TiKV to first obtain a timestamp and return that to the client as part of the prewrite response, then use that timestamp to commit.
  • After Prewrite succeeds, the client disappears, but the transaction is successfully committed. How to choose a commit_ts? A new timestamp from PD is not communicated to the client. Some timestamp must be persisted in TiKV.

Parallel Commit is considered to be a successful commit after all prewrites are successful. Transactions after this must be able to see it, and transactions before this can not see it. How to guarantee this?

A solution is for tikv to maintain a max_start_ts. When a prewrite writes its locks and returns to the client, use max(max_start_ts for each key) + 1 to submit. If finalisation fails and a client resolves a lock, TiKV can recalculate commit_ts.

The essence of solving this type of problem is to postpone operations that may cause errors until the operation is not an error. Two possible solutions are:

  • The region records min_commit_ts, which is the smallest commit_ts of a prewrite of any async commit transaction currently in progress (i.e., between prewrite and commit) may use. Every in-progress transaction must have a commit_ts >= min_commit_ts. For every read request to the region, if its start_ts is greater than min_commit_ts, the read request blocks until min_commit_ts is greater than start_ts.
  • The above can be refined by shrinking the granularity from a whole region level to a single key. Two implementation options:
    • The lock is written to memory first, then max_start_ts is obtained and then written to raftstore. When reading, first read the lock in the memory. After successfully writing to raftstore, the lock in memory is cleared, and the lock corresponding to the region is cleared when the leader switches.
    • Use rocksdb as the storage medium for memory lock, first write to rocksdb, then write to raftstore. The implementation is also simple, and the effect is the same as a.

Initiating resolve lock

As touched upon in the commit timestamp section above, it is not clear how resolve lock should be initiated. There are two options:

  • TiKV resolves locks automatically.
  • TiKV returns to TiDB which instantiates resolve lock.

The TiKV approach is faster, but it means we have to get a timestamp from PD and that a read might block for a long time. The TiDB approach takes a lot longer, but is more correct.

Replica read

The above Commit Ts calculation does not consider the replica read situation, consider the following scenario: The leader's maxStartTs is 1, and async commit selects 1 + 1 = 2 as commitTs. The startTs of replica read is 3, and it should either see the lock or the data with commitTs of 2. However, due to log replication, replica read may fail to read the lock, which will destroy snapshot isolation.

The solution is the same as prewrite solution 1: The read index request carries start ts. When region’s min commit ts < req’s start ts, it is necessary to wait for the min commit ts to exceed start ts before responding to the read index.

Change of leader

The above structure is stored in the leader memory. Although there is no such information on the replica, it will interact with the leader, so it is easy to solve. How to solve the transfer leader? No need to solve, because the new leader must submit an entry for the current term to provide read and write services, so all the information in the previous memory will be submitted, and this part of the information is no longer needed.

It should be noted that if the above scheme is adopted, this part of the memory information and pending requests must be processed when the leader changes.

Blocking reads


Schema check

The existing 2pc process checks the schema version before issue the final commit command, if we do async commit, we don't have a chance to check the schema version. If it has changed, we may break the index/row consistency.

The above issue only happens if the transaction prewrite phase is too long, exceeds the 2 * ddl_lease time.