Java Client Metrics

Client Java supports exporting metrics to Prometheus using poll mode and viewing on Grafana. The following steps shows how to enable this function.

Step 1: Enable metrics exporting

  • set the config tikv.metrics.enable to true
  • call TiConfiguration.setMetricsEnable(true)

Step 2: Set the metrics port

  • set the config tikv.metrics.port
  • call TiConfiguration.setMetricsPort

Default port is 3140.

Step 3: Config Prometheus

Add the following config to conf/prometheus.yml and restart Prometheus.

- job_name: "tikv-client"
    honor_labels: true
    - targets:
        - ''
        - ''
        - ''

Step 4: Config Grafana

Import the Client-Java-Summary dashboard config to Grafana.