View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright 2021 TiKV Project Authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   *
16   */
18  package org.tikv.common.catalog;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import java.util.*;
24  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
25  import java.util.function.Supplier;
26  import;
27  import org.slf4j.Logger;
28  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
29  import org.tikv.common.Snapshot;
30  import org.tikv.common.meta.TiDBInfo;
31  import org.tikv.common.meta.TiTableInfo;
33  public class Catalog implements AutoCloseable {
34    private final boolean showRowId;
35    private final String dbPrefix;
36    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
37    private final Supplier<Snapshot> snapshotProvider;
38    private CatalogCache metaCache;
40    public Catalog(Supplier<Snapshot> snapshotProvider, boolean showRowId, String dbPrefix) {
41      this.snapshotProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(snapshotProvider, "Snapshot Provider is null");
42      this.showRowId = showRowId;
43      this.dbPrefix = dbPrefix;
44      metaCache = new CatalogCache(new CatalogTransaction(snapshotProvider.get()), dbPrefix, false);
45    }
47    @Override
48    public void close() {}
50    private synchronized void reloadCache(boolean loadTables) {
51      Snapshot snapshot = snapshotProvider.get();
52      CatalogTransaction newTrx = new CatalogTransaction(snapshot);
53      long latestVersion = newTrx.getLatestSchemaVersion();
54      if (latestVersion > metaCache.getVersion()) {
55        metaCache = new CatalogCache(newTrx, dbPrefix, loadTables);
56      }
57    }
59    private void reloadCache() {
60      reloadCache(false);
61    }
63    public List<TiDBInfo> listDatabases() {
64      reloadCache();
65      return metaCache.listDatabases();
66    }
68    public List<TiTableInfo> listTables(TiDBInfo database) {
69      Objects.requireNonNull(database, "database is null");
70      reloadCache(true);
71      if (showRowId) {
72        return metaCache
73            .listTables(database)
74            .stream()
75            .map(TiTableInfo::copyTableWithRowId)
76            .collect(Collectors.toList());
77      } else {
78        return metaCache.listTables(database);
79      }
80    }
82    public TiDBInfo getDatabase(String dbName) {
83      Objects.requireNonNull(dbName, "dbName is null");
84      reloadCache();
85      return metaCache.getDatabase(dbName);
86    }
88    public TiTableInfo getTable(String dbName, String tableName) {
89      TiDBInfo database = getDatabase(dbName);
90      if (database == null) {
91        return null;
92      }
93      return getTable(database, tableName);
94    }
96    public TiTableInfo getTable(TiDBInfo database, String tableName) {
97      Objects.requireNonNull(database, "database is null");
98      Objects.requireNonNull(tableName, "tableName is null");
99      reloadCache(true);
100     TiTableInfo table = metaCache.getTable(database, tableName);
101     if (showRowId && table != null) {
102       return table.copyTableWithRowId();
103     } else {
104       return table;
105     }
106   }
108   @VisibleForTesting
109   public TiTableInfo getTable(TiDBInfo database, long tableId) {
110     Objects.requireNonNull(database, "database is null");
111     Collection<TiTableInfo> tables = listTables(database);
112     for (TiTableInfo table : tables) {
113       if (table.getId() == tableId) {
114         if (showRowId) {
115           return table.copyTableWithRowId();
116         } else {
117           return table;
118         }
119       }
120     }
121     return null;
122   }
124   private static class CatalogCache {
126     private final Map<String, TiDBInfo> dbCache;
127     private final ConcurrentHashMap<TiDBInfo, Map<String, TiTableInfo>> tableCache;
128     private final String dbPrefix;
129     private final CatalogTransaction transaction;
130     private final long currentVersion;
132     private CatalogCache(CatalogTransaction transaction, String dbPrefix, boolean loadTables) {
133       this.transaction = transaction;
134       this.dbPrefix = dbPrefix;
135       this.tableCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
136       this.dbCache = loadDatabases(loadTables);
137       this.currentVersion = transaction.getLatestSchemaVersion();
138     }
140     public CatalogTransaction getTransaction() {
141       return transaction;
142     }
144     public long getVersion() {
145       return currentVersion;
146     }
148     public TiDBInfo getDatabase(String name) {
149       Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name is null");
150       return dbCache.get(name.toLowerCase());
151     }
153     public List<TiDBInfo> listDatabases() {
154       return ImmutableList.copyOf(dbCache.values());
155     }
157     public List<TiTableInfo> listTables(TiDBInfo db) {
158       Map<String, TiTableInfo> tableMap = tableCache.get(db);
159       if (tableMap == null) {
160         tableMap = loadTables(db);
161       }
162       Collection<TiTableInfo> tables = tableMap.values();
163       return tables
164           .stream()
165           .filter(tbl -> !tbl.isView() || !tbl.isSequence())
166           .collect(Collectors.toList());
167     }
169     public TiTableInfo getTable(TiDBInfo db, String tableName) {
170       Map<String, TiTableInfo> tableMap = tableCache.get(db);
171       if (tableMap == null) {
172         tableMap = loadTables(db);
173       }
174       TiTableInfo tbl = tableMap.get(tableName.toLowerCase());
175       //
176       // TODO: support reading from view table in the future.
177       if (tbl != null && (tbl.isView() || tbl.isSequence())) return null;
178       return tbl;
179     }
181     private Map<String, TiTableInfo> loadTables(TiDBInfo db) {
182       List<TiTableInfo> tables = transaction.getTables(db.getId());
183       ImmutableMap.Builder<String, TiTableInfo> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
184       for (TiTableInfo table : tables) {
185         builder.put(table.getName().toLowerCase(), table);
186       }
187       Map<String, TiTableInfo> tableMap =;
188       tableCache.put(db, tableMap);
189       return tableMap;
190     }
192     private Map<String, TiDBInfo> loadDatabases(boolean loadTables) {
193       HashMap<String, TiDBInfo> newDBCache = new HashMap<>();
195       List<TiDBInfo> databases = transaction.getDatabases();
196       databases.forEach(
197           db -> {
198             TiDBInfo newDBInfo = db.rename(dbPrefix + db.getName());
199             newDBCache.put(newDBInfo.getName().toLowerCase(), newDBInfo);
200             if (loadTables) {
201               loadTables(newDBInfo);
202             }
203           });
204       return newDBCache;
205     }
206   }
207 }