foo,);` If you don’t want to output error code, just use the common form like other macros. Require `slog_global` dependency and `#![feature(min_speacilization)]` in all crates.">tikv_util::error - Rust

Macro tikv_util::error[][src]

macro_rules! error {
    (?$e:expr; $l:literal) => { ... };
    (%$e:expr; $l:literal) => { ... };
    (?$e:expr; $($args:tt)+) => { ... };
    (%$e:expr; $($args:tt)+) => { ... };
    ($($args:tt)+) => { ... };

Logs a error level message using the slog global logger. /// Use ‘?’ to output error in debug format or ‘%’ to ouput error in display format. As the third and forth rules shown, the last log field should follow a ‘,’ to seperate the ‘err’ field. eg. error!(?e, "msg"; "foo" => foo,); If you don’t want to output error code, just use the common form like other macros. Require slog_global dependency and #![feature(min_speacilization)] in all crates.