use crate::bit;
use crate::huffman;
use crate::huffman::Builder;
use crate::lz77;
use std::cmp;
use std::io;
use std::iter;
use std::ops::Range;
const FIXED_LITERAL_OR_LENGTH_CODE_TABLE: [(u8, Range<u16>, u16); 4] = [
(8, 000..144, 0b0_0011_0000),
(9, 144..256, 0b1_1001_0000),
(7, 256..280, 0b0_0000_0000),
(8, 280..288, 0b0_1100_0000),
const BITWIDTH_CODE_ORDER: [usize; 19] = [
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
const END_OF_BLOCK: u16 = 256;
const LENGTH_TABLE: [(u16, u8); 29] = [
(3, 0),
(4, 0),
(5, 0),
(6, 0),
(7, 0),
(8, 0),
(9, 0),
(10, 0),
(11, 1),
(13, 1),
(15, 1),
(17, 1),
(19, 2),
(23, 2),
(27, 2),
(31, 2),
(35, 3),
(43, 3),
(51, 3),
(59, 3),
(67, 4),
(83, 4),
(99, 4),
(115, 4),
(131, 5),
(163, 5),
(195, 5),
(227, 5),
(258, 0),
const MAX_DISTANCE_CODE_COUNT: usize = 30;
const DISTANCE_TABLE: [(u16, u8); 30] = [
(1, 0),
(2, 0),
(3, 0),
(4, 0),
(5, 1),
(7, 1),
(9, 2),
(13, 2),
(17, 3),
(25, 3),
(33, 4),
(49, 4),
(65, 5),
(97, 5),
(129, 6),
(193, 6),
(257, 7),
(385, 7),
(513, 8),
(769, 8),
(1025, 9),
(1537, 9),
(2049, 10),
(3073, 10),
(4097, 11),
(6145, 11),
(8193, 12),
(12_289, 12),
(16_385, 13),
(24_577, 13),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Symbol {
Share { length: u16, distance: u16 },
impl Symbol {
pub fn code(&self) -> u16 {
match *self {
Symbol::Literal(b) => u16::from(b),
Symbol::EndOfBlock => 256,
Symbol::Share { length, .. } => match length {
3..=10 => 257 + length - 3,
11..=18 => 265 + (length - 11) / 2,
19..=34 => 269 + (length - 19) / 4,
35..=66 => 273 + (length - 35) / 8,
67..=130 => 277 + (length - 67) / 16,
131..=257 => 281 + (length - 131) / 32,
258 => 285,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn extra_lengh(&self) -> Option<(u8, u16)> {
if let Symbol::Share { length, .. } = *self {
match length {
3..=10 | 258 => None,
11..=18 => Some((1, (length - 11) % 2)),
19..=34 => Some((2, (length - 19) % 4)),
35..=66 => Some((3, (length - 35) % 8)),
67..=130 => Some((4, (length - 67) % 16)),
131..=257 => Some((5, (length - 131) % 32)),
_ => unreachable!(),
} else {
pub fn distance(&self) -> Option<(u8, u8, u16)> {
if let Symbol::Share { distance, .. } = *self {
if distance <= 4 {
Some((distance as u8 - 1, 0, 0))
} else {
let mut extra_bits = 1;
let mut code = 4;
let mut base = 4;
while base * 2 < distance {
extra_bits += 1;
code += 2;
base *= 2;
let half = base / 2;
let delta = distance - base - 1;
if distance <= base + half {
Some((code, extra_bits, delta % half))
} else {
Some((code + 1, extra_bits, delta % half))
} else {
impl From<lz77::Code> for Symbol {
fn from(code: lz77::Code) -> Self {
match code {
lz77::Code::Literal(b) => Symbol::Literal(b),
lz77::Code::Pointer {
} => Symbol::Share {
distance: backward_distance,
pub struct Encoder {
literal: huffman::Encoder,
distance: huffman::Encoder,
impl Encoder {
pub fn encode<W>(&self, writer: &mut bit::BitWriter<W>, symbol: &Symbol) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write,
self.literal.encode(writer, symbol.code())?;
if let Some((bits, extra)) = symbol.extra_lengh() {
writer.write_bits(bits, extra)?;
if let Some((code, bits, extra)) = symbol.distance() {
self.distance.encode(writer, u16::from(code))?;
if bits > 0 {
writer.write_bits(bits, extra)?;
pub struct Decoder {
literal: huffman::Decoder,
distance: huffman::Decoder,
impl Decoder {
pub fn decode_unchecked<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> Symbol
R: io::Read,
let mut symbol = self.decode_literal_or_length(reader);
if let Symbol::Share {
ref mut distance, ..
} = symbol
*distance = self.decode_distance(reader);
fn decode_literal_or_length<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> Symbol
R: io::Read,
let decoded = self.literal.decode_unchecked(reader);
match decoded {
0..=255 => Symbol::Literal(decoded as u8),
256 => Symbol::EndOfBlock,
286 | 287 => {
let message = format!("The value {} must not occur in compressed data", decoded);
reader.set_last_error(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, message));
length_code => {
let (base, extra_bits) = LENGTH_TABLE[length_code as usize - 257];
let extra = reader.read_bits_unchecked(extra_bits);
Symbol::Share {
length: base + extra,
distance: 0,
fn decode_distance<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> u16
R: io::Read,
let decoded = self.distance.decode_unchecked(reader) as usize;
let (base, extra_bits) = DISTANCE_TABLE[decoded];
let extra = reader.read_bits_unchecked(extra_bits);
base + extra
pub trait HuffmanCodec {
fn build(&self, symbols: &[Symbol]) -> io::Result<Encoder>;
fn save<W>(&self, writer: &mut bit::BitWriter<W>, codec: &Encoder) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write;
fn load<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> io::Result<Decoder>
R: io::Read;
pub struct FixedHuffmanCodec;
impl HuffmanCodec for FixedHuffmanCodec {
fn build(&self, symbols: &[Symbol]) -> io::Result<Encoder> {
let mut literal_builder = huffman::EncoderBuilder::new(288);
for &(bitwidth, ref symbols, code_base) in &FIXED_LITERAL_OR_LENGTH_CODE_TABLE {
for (code, symbol) in symbols
.map(|(i, s)| (code_base + i as u16, s))
literal_builder.set_mapping(symbol, huffman::Code::new(bitwidth, code))?;
let mut distance_builder = huffman::EncoderBuilder::new(30);
for i in 0..30 {
distance_builder.set_mapping(i, huffman::Code::new(5, i))?;
Ok(Encoder {
literal: literal_builder.finish(),
distance: distance_builder.finish(),
fn save<W>(&self, writer: &mut bit::BitWriter<W>, codec: &Encoder) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write,
fn load<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> io::Result<Decoder>
R: io::Read,
let mut literal_builder = huffman::DecoderBuilder::new(9, Some(END_OF_BLOCK));
for &(bitwidth, ref symbols, code_base) in &FIXED_LITERAL_OR_LENGTH_CODE_TABLE {
for (code, symbol) in symbols
.map(|(i, s)| (code_base + i as u16, s))
literal_builder.set_mapping(symbol, huffman::Code::new(bitwidth, code))?;
let mut distance_builder = huffman::DecoderBuilder::new(5, None);
for i in 0..30 {
distance_builder.set_mapping(i, huffman::Code::new(5, i))?;
Ok(Decoder {
literal: literal_builder.finish(),
distance: distance_builder.finish(),
pub struct DynamicHuffmanCodec;
impl HuffmanCodec for DynamicHuffmanCodec {
fn build(&self, symbols: &[Symbol]) -> io::Result<Encoder> {
let mut literal_counts = [0; 286];
let mut distance_counts = [0; 30];
let mut empty_distance_table = true;
for s in symbols {
literal_counts[s.code() as usize] += 1;
if let Some((d, _, _)) = s.distance() {
empty_distance_table = false;
distance_counts[d as usize] += 1;
if empty_distance_table {
distance_counts[0] = 1;
Ok(Encoder {
literal: huffman::EncoderBuilder::from_frequencies(&literal_counts, 15)?,
distance: huffman::EncoderBuilder::from_frequencies(&distance_counts, 15)?,
fn save<W>(&self, writer: &mut bit::BitWriter<W>, codec: &Encoder) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write,
let literal_code_count = cmp::max(257, codec.literal.used_max_symbol().unwrap_or(0) + 1);
let distance_code_count = cmp::max(1, codec.distance.used_max_symbol().unwrap_or(0) + 1);
let codes = build_bitwidth_codes(codec, literal_code_count, distance_code_count);
let mut code_counts = [0; 19];
for x in &codes {
code_counts[x.0 as usize] += 1;
let bitwidth_encoder = huffman::EncoderBuilder::from_frequencies(&code_counts, 7)?;
let bitwidth_code_count = cmp::max(
.position(|&i| bitwidth_encoder.lookup(i as u16).width > 0)
.map_or(0, |trailing_zeros| 19 - trailing_zeros),
) as u16;
writer.write_bits(5, literal_code_count - 257)?;
writer.write_bits(5, distance_code_count - 1)?;
writer.write_bits(4, bitwidth_code_count - 4)?;
.take(bitwidth_code_count as usize)
let width = if code_counts[i] == 0 {
} else {
u16::from(bitwidth_encoder.lookup(i as u16).width)
writer.write_bits(3, width)?;
for &(code, bits, extra) in &codes {
bitwidth_encoder.encode(writer, u16::from(code))?;
if bits > 0 {
writer.write_bits(bits, u16::from(extra))?;
fn load<R>(&self, reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>) -> io::Result<Decoder>
R: io::Read,
let literal_code_count = reader.read_bits(5)? + 257;
let distance_code_count = reader.read_bits(5)? + 1;
let bitwidth_code_count = reader.read_bits(4)? + 4;
if distance_code_count as usize > MAX_DISTANCE_CODE_COUNT {
let message = format!(
"The value of HDIST is too big: max={}, actual={}",
MAX_DISTANCE_CODE_COUNT, distance_code_count
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, message));
let mut bitwidth_code_bitwidthes = [0; 19];
.take(bitwidth_code_count as usize)
bitwidth_code_bitwidthes[i] = reader.read_bits(3)? as u8;
let bitwidth_decoder =
huffman::DecoderBuilder::from_bitwidthes(&bitwidth_code_bitwidthes, None)?;
let mut literal_code_bitwidthes = Vec::with_capacity(literal_code_count as usize);
while literal_code_bitwidthes.len() < literal_code_count as usize {
let c = bitwidth_decoder.decode(reader)?;
let last = literal_code_bitwidthes.last().cloned();
literal_code_bitwidthes.extend(load_bitwidthes(reader, c, last)?);
let mut distance_code_bitwidthes = literal_code_bitwidthes
.drain(literal_code_count as usize..)
while distance_code_bitwidthes.len() < distance_code_count as usize {
let c = bitwidth_decoder.decode(reader)?;
let last = distance_code_bitwidthes
.or_else(|| literal_code_bitwidthes.last().cloned());
distance_code_bitwidthes.extend(load_bitwidthes(reader, c, last)?);
if distance_code_bitwidthes.len() > distance_code_count as usize {
let message = format!(
"The length of `distance_code_bitwidthes` is too large: actual={}, expected={}",
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, message));
Ok(Decoder {
literal: huffman::DecoderBuilder::from_bitwidthes(
distance: huffman::DecoderBuilder::from_bitwidthes(&distance_code_bitwidthes, None)?,
fn load_bitwidthes<R>(
reader: &mut bit::BitReader<R>,
code: u16,
last: Option<u8>,
) -> io::Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u8>>>
R: io::Read,
Ok(match code {
0..=15 => Box::new(iter::once(code as u8)),
16 => {
let count = reader.read_bits(2)? + 3;
let last = last.ok_or_else(|| invalid_data_error!("No preceding value"))?;
Box::new(iter::repeat(last).take(count as usize))
17 => {
let zeros = reader.read_bits(3)? + 3;
Box::new(iter::repeat(0).take(zeros as usize))
18 => {
let zeros = reader.read_bits(7)? + 11;
Box::new(iter::repeat(0).take(zeros as usize))
_ => unreachable!(),
fn build_bitwidth_codes(
codec: &Encoder,
literal_code_count: u16,
distance_code_count: u16,
) -> Vec<(u8, u8, u8)> {
struct RunLength {
value: u8,
count: usize,
let mut run_lens: Vec<RunLength> = Vec::new();
for &(e, size) in &[
(&codec.literal, literal_code_count),
(&codec.distance, distance_code_count),
] {
for (i, c) in (0..size).map(|x| e.lookup(x as u16).width).enumerate() {
if i > 0 && run_lens.last().map_or(false, |s| s.value == c) {
run_lens.last_mut().unwrap().count += 1;
} else {
run_lens.push(RunLength { value: c, count: 1 })
let mut codes: Vec<(u8, u8, u8)> = Vec::new();
for r in run_lens {
if r.value == 0 {
let mut c = r.count;
while c >= 11 {
let n = cmp::min(138, c) as u8;
codes.push((18, 7, n - 11));
c -= n as usize;
if c >= 3 {
codes.push((17, 3, c as u8 - 3));
c = 0;
for _ in 0..c {
codes.push((0, 0, 0));
} else {
codes.push((r.value, 0, 0));
let mut c = r.count - 1;
while c >= 3 {
let n = cmp::min(6, c) as u8;
codes.push((16, 2, n - 3));
c -= n as usize;
for _ in 0..c {
codes.push((r.value, 0, 0));